大潤發流通事業股份有限公司RT-Mart International Limited

Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment

-  公告日期:110 年 03 月 22 日

  • 一、大润發流通事業股份有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)為提供所屬人員(包含受僱者、派遣勞工、技術生及實習生)求職者或受服務人員免於性騷擾之工作及受服務環境,並採取適當之預防、糾正、懲戒及處理措施,以維護當事人權益及隱私,特依性別工作平等法第十三條第一項、勞動部頒布之「工作場所性騷擾防治措施申訴及懲戒辦法訂定準則」及性騷擾防治法第七條第一項、第二項規定,訂定本辦法。
  • Article 1: RT-Mart provides a safe environment to its members (including employee, expatriate,intern) ,job applicant and customers. RT-mart will take proper measures to prevent,correct, punish sexual harassment incident and protect the right and privacy of involved person. We formulate this Measures in accordance with Article 13 of "Act of Gender Equality in Employment" and "Regulations for Establishing Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment at Workplace" and Article 7 of "Sexual Harassment Prevention Act".

  • 二、本辦法適用於所屬人員、求職者或受服務人員遭遇前揭適用性別工作平等法或性騷擾防治法之性騷擾事件,但應適用性別平等教育法處理者,不適用本辦法。
  • Article 2: This Measures are applicable to members, job applicant and customers who encounter sexual harassment incidents under Act of Gender Equality in Employment or Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, but do not include cases where the Gender Equity Education Act should be applied.

  • 三、本辦法所稱之性騷擾,係指當事人有下列情形之一者:
         2. 以展示或播送文字、圖畫、聲音、影像或其他物品之方式,或以歧視、侮辱之言行,或以他法,而有損害他人人格尊嚴、或造成使人心生
        畏怖、感受敵意或冒犯之情境,或不當影響其作、教育、訓練、服務、計劃、活動或正常生活 之進行。
        1. 因性別差異所產生侮辱、蔑視或歧視之態度及行為。
        2. 與性有關之不適當、不悅、犯性質之語言、身體、碰觸或性要求。
        3. 以威脅、懲罰或強制等違反意願之手段要求與性或性別有關之行為。
        4. 展示具有性意涵或性誘惑之圖片和文字。
  • Article 3: Sexual harassment as defined in these Measures refers to one of the following situations:
    1. Act of Gender Equality in Employment: According to the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, sexual harassment refers to the situation that anyone makes a sexual request, use verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature or with an intent of gender discrimination, cause RT-Mart's members a hostile, intimidating and offensive working environment leading to infringe on or interfere with his/her personal dignity, physical liberty or affects his/her job performance; or employer explicitly or implicitly makes a sexual request toward an employee or an applicant, uses verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature or with an intent of gender discrimination as an exchange for the establishment, continuance, modification of a labor contract or as a condition to his/her placement, assignment, compensation, evaluation, promotion, demotion, award and discipline.
    2. Sexual Harassment Prevention Act: Excluding sexual assault crimes, the so-called sexual harassment in the Act refers to the sexual statements or sexual behavior violating another person's wishes and also to the following situations:
    a. If a person's obedience to or rejection of another's sexual advances become a condition of obtaining, losing or reducing their rights and interests in work, education, training, services, plans or activities.
    b. If texts, pictures, voices, images or other objects are used to inundate or intimidate; or if languages and behaviors of discrimination, and insults or other methods are adopted. - For such reasons, the other's person's dignity of character is impaired. Or if another person feels scared, feels disliked with hostility or feels offended ; or if another persons' work, education, training, services, plans, activities or other normal habits are improperly influenced.
    3. Specifically, the patterns of sexual harassment include the following:
    a. Insult, despise, or discriminate because of gender.
    b. Inappropriate,displeased, offesive ra/physical contact or sexual request.
    c. Request for sex or related behavior by threaten or punishment.
    d. Compulsory sexual intercourse or sexual attack.
    e. Display pictures or words with implication of sex.

  • 四、本公司應防治性騷擾之發生,保護所屬人員、求職者或受服務人員不受性騷擾之威脅,建立友善的工作環境,提升主管與员工性別平權之觀念如有性騷授或疑似情事發生時應即檢討、改善防治措施。倘若前揭人員於非主所能支配、管理之工作場所工作者,雇主應為工作環境性騷擾風險類型辨識、提供必要防護措施,並事前詳為告知。
  • Article 4: RT-Mart shall prevent sexual harassment happening at workplace, protect its employees from threaten of sexual harassment, establish a friendly work environment, and elevate directors and employees' sense of gender equality. If sexual harassment or suspected incident happens, RT-Mart shall examine and improve its prevention measures. If employees works in a place that the employer cannot manage, the employer should provide necessary protective measures against the risk of sexual harassment in the work environment and inform the employees in advance.

  • 五、本公司應設置工作場所性騷擾申訴管道,將相關資訊於工作場所顯著之處公開揭示並印發各受僱者。將相關資訊於工作場所顯著之處公開揭示並印發各受僱者。
     ➤ 申訴專線電話:0800-033-789
     ➤ 申訴專用分機:620
     ➤ 申訴電子信箱:rtethic@rt-mart.com.tw
     ➤ 專責處理單位:法務處
  • Article 5: RT-Mart shall set up a channel to file a complaint, announce its relative information at obvious place and print out to every employee.
     ➤ Complaint phone number: 0800-033-789
     ➤ Internal extension number: 620
     ➤ Complaint email: rtethic@rt-mart.com.tw
     ➤ Unit in charge: Legal Team

  • 六、本公司應利用集會、廣播及印刷品等各種傳遞訊息方式,加強宣導有關性騷擾防治措施及申訴管道:並定期實施防治工作場所性騷擾之教育訓練,於在職訓練或工作坊中,合理規劃性別平權及性騷擾防治相關課程,並將相關資訊於工作場所顯著之處,如公佈欄、打卡處、員工網站等公開揭示。
  • Article 6: RT-Mart shall reinforce the announcement of sexual harassment prevention and complaint channels through conference, broadcast, prints or any other means. RT-Mart shall implement trainings about sexual harassment prevention, organize gender equality and sexual harassment prevention course during trainings or workshops.

  • 七、本公司於知悉有性侵害或性騷擾之情形時,應採取立即且有效之正及補救措施,並注意下列事項:
  • Article 7: RT-Mart shall take immediate and effective correction measures as soon as acknowledge a sexual harassment incident happens. RT-Mart shall notice the followings:
     1. Protect the victim's right and privacy.
     2. Maintain or improve the circumstances around the victim.
     3. Punish the harassers.
     4. Carry out other prevention and improvement measures.

  • 八、本公司設置性騷擾申訴處理委员會,由主與受僱者代表共同組成,負責處理性騷擾申訴案件。申訴處理委員會置主任委員一名,並為議主席,主席因故無法主持會議時,得另指定其他委員代理之:委员三人至七人,並視需要聘請專家學者擔任委員,且委員會之女性成員代表不得低於二分之一,單一性別不得少於三分之一。派遣勞工於執行職務时如遭受性騷擾事件,本公司將受理申訴並與派遣事業單位共同調查,並將結果通知派遣事業單位及當事人。
  • Article 8: RT-Mart will organize a committee for handling and investigating sexual harassment. The committee will be organized by the representatives of employer and employee, with one chairman and the sum of 3-7 persons. Female members must be more than half, and either gender cannot be less than one third. Professional scholars or experts will be invited if needed.

  • 九、性騷擾申訴得以言詞或書面提出。以言詞申訴者,受理之人員或單位應做成紀錄,經向申訴人朗讀或使閱覽,確認其內容無誤後,由其簽名或蓋章。
  • Article 9: Complaint of sexual harassment could be made by oral or in writing. If it is made by oral, the accepting unit shall make a written record and provide the complainant's signature after confirmation.

  • 十、申訴要件:
    l. 申訴人姓名、性別、年齡、身分證或護照號碼、服務(或就學)單位及職稱、住居所、聯絡電話。
    3. 有委任代理人者,應檢附委任書,並載明其姓名、性別、年齡、身分證或護照號碼、職業、住居所、聯絡電話。
    4. 申訴之事实内容及可取得之相關證據、申請之年月日。
  • Article 10: Complaint requirements:
    1. The complaint shall be signed or stamped by the complainant and has the following items:
    a. Name, gender, age, ID number, service unit and title, address or residence, contact number of complainant.
    b. The aforementioned personal information of the legal representative (if any).
    c. If there is an agent, a letter of appointment should be attached and the aforementioned personal information should be included.
    d. The facts, evidence and application date of the complaint.
    2. If the complaint information does not meet the aforementioned requirements, the complainant shall make corrections within 14 days, and the complaint will not be accepted if it fails to make corrections within the time limit.
    3. The legal obligations stipulated by the Act of Gender Equality in Employment shall not be affected by non-acceptance of applications.
    4. Even if the perpetrator is not an employee, RT-Mart should still provide protection in accordance with these Measures; When receiving a complaint about a sexual harassment prevention Act case, it should be dealt with immediately, and the complaint and information should be transferred to the competent authority within 7 days.
    5. For cases that are not accepted in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, the parties shall be notified in writing within 20 days after the complaint. If it is a case of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, the local competent authority shall be notified.
    6. When the same case has been dealt with in accordance with the Act of Gender Equality in Employment or the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, and the party has been replied to, the same case shall not be appealed again.

  • 十一、申訴之撤回:
  • Article 11: Withdraw the complaint:
    1. Before the committee reach a conclusion, the complainant or his/hers proxy may withdraw the complaint. After withdrawal, no further complaints can be made about the same incident.
    2. If the provisions of the preceding paragraph fall within the scope of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, it only applies to cases where the complaint is withdrawn after mediation by the competent authority.

  • 十二、迴避:
    1. 本人或其配偶、前配偶、四親等內之血親或三親等內之姻親或曾有此關係者為事件之當事人時。
    2. 本人或其配偶、前配偶就該事件與當事人有共同權利人或共同義務人之關係者。
    4. 於該事件,曾為證人、鑑定人者。
  • Article 12: Recusal:
    1. When there is one of the following circumstances, the trial staff should apply for recusal on their own:
    a. The trial staff or his/her spouse, former spouse, or close relatives are the one party.
    b. The trial staff or his/her spouse, former spouse has an interest relationship with the one party
    c. Served as an agent or assistant to the one party.
    d. He/She was a witness or appraiser in the case.
    2. When there is one of the following circumstances, both parties can apply for the trial staff to recusal:
    a. The trial staff who have the circumstances listed in the preceding paragraph but didn't recusal themselves.
    b. There are facts to suspect that the trial staff's investigation will be biased.
    3. An application for recusal shall be submitted to the committee and the reasons shall be presented; the trial staff who is requested to recusal may submit a written opinion.
    4. The trial staff who have been applied for recusal should stop the investigation before the committee makes a decision. However, if there is an urgent situation, it should still be necessary.
    5. If the trial staff has the above situation that should be recusal but not recusal, the committee shall order to recusal.

  • 十三、本公司調查性騷擾事件時,應依照下列調查原則為之:
    (六)調查人員因調查之必要,得於不違反保密義務範圍內另作成書面資料,交由當事人 閱覽或告以要旨。
  • Article 13: RT-Mart shall investigate sexual harassment incident in accordance with following rules:
    1. The investigation shall be executed in secret
    2. The investigation shall be held with objectiveness, justice and profession, giving chances to involved persons to state their opinions
    3. When the victim's statement is clear enough, he/she shall not be asked repeatedly.
    4. Inform relative persons to illustrate his/hers opinion is acceptable.
    5. If the involved persons are not equal in power, a confrontation shall be avoided.
    6. The investigator may make a written material within the obligation of disclosure.
    7. All the persons deal with sexual harassment incident shall keep involved persons' information in secret.
    8. An unfair treatment to complainant or correspondent is not allowed.

  • 十四、參與性騷擾事件之處理調查及決議人員,對於知悉之申訴事件內容應予保密。違反者,性騷擾申訴處理委員會主任委員應終其參與,本公司並得視其情節,依相關規定予以懲處及追究相關責任,並解除其選、聘任。
  • Article 14: All the persons deal with sexual harassment incident shall keep all information regarding the complaint in secret, otherwise he/she shall be forbid to attend the committee. RT-Mart may implement a punishment on him/her.

  • 十五、處理程序:
  • Article 15: Processing flow
    1. The committee shall end the investigation and reach a conclusion within 2 months of receiving the complaint; if necessary, it may extend for 1 month. The conclusion shall be made with reasons and advice of punishment or other measures.
    2. The committee shall have the attendance of more than half members to start the meeting and more than half attending members' agree to make a resolution.
    3. The conclusion of the committee shall be notified in writing to the complainant, the correspondent, and RT-Mart. If either party is not satisfied with the conclusion, he/she may appeal within 20 days of the next day of receiving the notification.
    4. The appeal shall be raised with reasons in writing and the committee shall convene a meeting to deal with it. After the case is closed, no appeal may be filed on the same matter.
    5. The re-appeal mechanism of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act: Re-appeal to the local competent authority within 30 days after receiving the investigation resolution.

  • 十六、有下列情形之一者,當事人得對性騷擾申訴處理委員會之決議提出申復:
  • Article 16: The complainant or the correspondent may raise an appeal to the committee in following situations:
    1. The conclusion and its reasons are conflicting.
    2. The organization of the committee is illegal.
    3. A member of the committee shall avoid himself/herself but fail to do so.
    4. A member of the committee disobey his/her duty and commit a criminal crime which has been sentenced.
    5. The conclusion is made according to a false statement of witness.
    6. The conclusion is made according to a fake evidence.
    7. The conclusion is made according a court ruling and the ruling has be modified afterwards.
    8. A new evidence is found afterwards.
    9. The conclusion missed to take an important evidence into account.

  • 十七、性騷擾行為經調查屬實者,本公司得视情節輕重,對申訴人之相對人依工作規則等相關規定為調職、降職、減薪、懲戒或其他處理。如涉及刑事責任時,本公司並應協助申訴人提出申訴。性騷擾行為經證實為誣告者,本公司得視情節輕重,對申訴人依工作規則等相關規定為適當之懲戒或處理。
  • Article 17: Once the complaint of sexual harassment is sustained, RT-Mart may render appropriate punishment measures to the harrasers in accordance with RT-Mart's work rule. If criminal liability is involved, RT-Mart shall help the complainant to file a suit. If the complaint is proved to be fabricated, an appropriate punishment or other corrective measures should be rendered to the complainant.

  • 十八、本公司對性騷擾申訴處理委員會之決議應採取追蹤、考核及監督,以確保您戒或處理措施有效執行,並避免相同事件或報復情事發生。
  • Article 18: RT-Mart shall keep tracking and supervising the corrective measures advised by the committee, to ensure the effectiveness of those measures and to avoid the same incident or retaliation.

  • 十九、本公司不會因人員提出申訴或協助他人申訴,而予以解催、調職或其他不利處分。
  • Article 19: RT-Mart will not render adverse measures due to filing a complaint.

  • 二十、效力:
  • Article 20: Legal validity
    1. This announcement may be supplemented and governed by Act of Gender Equality in Employment and Sexual Harassment Prevention Act.
    2.If this Measures conflicts with the aforementioned laws, the conflicting part is invalid.
    3. This announcement is implemented after approved by HR division, and same apply to amendment.
